VB script Tutorial Part 1
Explanation of VBScript for use in HP Unified functional Tool
Index -:
1. VBscript in QTP / UFT
2. VB script Datatype and sub types
3. Arrays in VBscript
Index -:
1. VBscript in QTP / UFT
2. VB script Datatype and sub types
3. Arrays in VBscript
VBScript in QTP / UFT
(short form of Visual Basic Scripting Edition) is a lively scripting language
interpreted via Microsoft's Windows Script Host.
It is a
light scripting language and primary used language for UFT and no need to
install externally it is available by default in windows environment.
has many powerful functions and provides excellent support for variables, data
types, and error handling.
script engines can interpret VBScript- VBScript.dll, which is invoked by
asp.dll is used in web environment and Wscript.exe & Cscript.exe in Windows
GUI environment using Windows Script Host (WSH).
typically, use VBScript within WSH to automate systems administration tasks.
WSH is the system module that transforms a VBScript file into a Windows
executable file.
is used to display output and receive input in Windows GUI format such as
dialog and input boxes.
is used in a command-line environment. When VBScript source code is contained
in standalone files, they have the file extension .Vbs.
VBScript Data Type
is a typeless language. This means that variables cannot be restricted to a
single datatype.
does not allow you to specify in advance that a particular variable can hold
only a particular kind of data.
VBScript uses a single kind of variable, known as a variant, which can store any kind of data.
A Variant
is a special kind of data type that can contain different kinds of information,
depending on how it is used.
if you’re using a variable for assigning a numeric value, that variable behaves
like a numeric data type. If you assign string value, that variable behaves
like a string.
languages appear typeless only to the script editor. Internally scripting languages work with datatypes.
example, when presented with a simple statement such as c = a + b, the scripting language must derive typed
values for both a and b.
Those two
variants and create typed values such as integer or string. After it has
derived the typed values, the scripting language can then perform the operation.
Example -:
iFirstNumber = InputBox(“Enter first number”)
iSecondNumber = InputBox(“Enter Second number”)
iTotal = iFirstNumber + iSecondNumber
Expected output is addition of two numbers but
it will concatenate the numbers, because it takes input as string.
VBScript contains following sub datatypes in the Variant.
VBScript contains following sub datatypes in the Variant.
VBScript datatype can be converted using conversion function mentioned as below
VBScript datatype can be converted using conversion function mentioned as below
CBool -
Converts any nonzero value to True and 0 (zero) to False.
CByte -
Converts an expression to a Byte value.
CCur -
Converts an expression to a Currency value.
CDate -
Converts an expression to a Date value.
CDbl -
Converts an expression to a Double value.
CInt -
Converts an expression to an Integer value. If the fractional part of the
expression is .5, CInt will round the value to the nearest even number. For example,
3.5 will be rounded to 4, and 6.5 will be rounded to 6.
CLng -
Converts an expression to a Long value.
CSng -
Converts an expression to a Single value.
CStr -
Converts an expression to a String value.
Working with Empty Variables and Null Variables
Working with Empty Variables and Null Variables
the difference between an Empty variable and a Null variable can make an
equally big difference in the success or failure of your scripts. An Empty
variable is a variable that has not been initialized.
example, in a statement such as Dim strTextString, the variable is considered
"empty" until you set strTextString equal to a value.
contrast, a Null variable is a variable that has not had a valid value assigned
to it.
VBScript Arrays
A variable containing a single value is a scalar variable. We can create
a variable that can contain a series of values using an index number. This is
called an array variable. Arrays are useful when we are storing sets of similar
data. We can store any kind of data in an array. The array can hold a
combination of data types.
There are two types of Array available in vb script.
Fixed Length
array or static array - : static arrays have a specific number of elements in
them but it force to declare size of array. Every element of an array is
associated with a unique index number and index start with 0.
For Example – Dim myArray (5), here array size
is 5 elements and it would contain 6 elements because it starts with 0.
Dynamic array
or run time array -: A dynamic array is created in the same way as a fixed
array, but we don't put any size in the declaration. It allow to decide size of
array at run time. The benefit of a dynamic array is that if we don't know how
large the array will be when we write the code.
For example – Dim myArray (), declare array
variable with no size with ReDim we
reset the upper bound to a new value. For increase size of array or decide size
of array we can use optional Preserve
keyword that states that all of the old elements must be preserved when
changing the size of array.
The initially we can declare array using Dim
keyword or ReDim keyword
In following example we can resize array number
ReDim myArray (25) and then ReDim myArray (30).
Creating dynamic array example
Creating dynamic array example
Dim arrTestArray()
intSize = 0
ReDim Preserve
= "A"
ReDim Preserve
arrTestArray(intSize + 1)
+ 1) = "B"
Array keywords and usage
Functionality or usage
It Declare an array
Reinitializes the elements if it is a static size
array and deallocates the memory used if it is a dynamic array
This will Return True if A is an array, False
if it is not
This will Return lower bound of an array, in
VBScript it will always return 0
Preserve (Optional) is used to preserve the
data in an existing array, when you resize it.
This is used to size or resize a dynamic
This will Return all upper- bound of array or
Maximum size of array
Very well explained