
Showing posts from February, 2017

Dictionary Object in VBScript

Index -: 1. Dictionary Object 2. Disconnected recordset object In Previous post, we seen usage of array in VB script, but array is bind with index. Obviously arrays provide a quick and easy way to track one-dimensional data, but when you have multidimensional data, it can become difficult to keep track of the various index based data. It can also become exceedingly complex to try to sort the data. Because of that, if you do have multidimensional data you might want to consider one of the following alternatives VB Script engine provides two alternative ways mentioned as below. 1. Dictionary object - : We can say Dictionaries are great inventions, everything is in order and easy to use, can be access through string or keys. A Dictionary object is a little bit like an array in that it can hold a list of values. Those values can be of just about any type: strings, dates, numbers, and so on. You can use a For each loop to loop through the objects in a Dic...